Thursday, July 26

Mining time!

Now that Wolfy's incident of naughtiness is over, how about some MINING?
I went back to the cave that I fell into , and proceeded to liberate it of it's treasure like I promised. Some notable(and unfortunately, Technic Mod Pack exclusive) goodies:
 These are SAPPHIRES!! They're like diamonds, only slightly weaker, and they come in pretty colors(they also come in ruby and emerald). They are good for making tools early on because they're EVERYWHERE(relatively).

This is Marble. It has no purpose besides being pretty. I am going to build something cool out of this.

Let's see...21 coal, 28 copper ore, 6 sapphires, 19 iron ore and 63 marble.
Everything considered, a very good haul. Now the only reason I have to come back here is to maybe get more marble(I might need more of that).

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